• Comparison of central air-conditioning of cooling water treatment technology

  • 3、Commonly used in cooling water treatment technology
     For normal operation of refrigeration units and the elimination of bacteria cooling tower problems, the cooling water system and must be strict quality control and management. At present, the cooling water system, in addition to taking a small amount of no treatment or simply to control the scaling or corrosion of sewage outside (do not run the way of dosage, the surface, what a short time no serious problems. In fact, 2 to 3 Years later, the consequences will be significant exposure and serious accidents caused irreparable. If one take the sewage, it must be frequent, serious waste of water.) Majority of works on water treatment technologies can be divided into two categories (see Table 2). One is the medication regularly discharge + filter + method, another way of electromagnetic (including static electricity, electronics) processing + filter. The latter include electromagnetic water processor, static water processor, processors and high-frequency electronic water and other types of electronic water processor (sometimes referred to as electronic water processor.) Drug treatment is a common water treatment method, the cooling water treatment in the more common, to sterilization, corrosion, anti fouling, but there are high operating costs, operational problems and other shortcomings. Electronic water treatment method is a new water treatment method, less operating costs, simple operation, but there are immature technology, the treatment effect is not a comprehensive one, failure and other issues.
     Table 2 Common central air conditioning cooling water treatment technology



    Drug Treatment Technology

    Electronic processing


    By chemical reaction

    Through physical processingThe deformation of water molecules.

    Processing time

    Short, the treated water can be discharged at any time.

    Longer the system is not easy to clean.


    Complex and precise dose to be sure.

    Simple, power can be


    Easy to improve the hardness of water

    Will not increase the hardness of water

    The total number of abnormal bacteria

    Easy compliance

    Difficult standards


    For the south, the northern region

    Does not apply to the south

    Initial investment



    Running costs




    Technology is mature, but there are very limited.

    Technology immature, but developing rapidly.